Announcing the new Crypteron Community Edition

Today, we're pleased to announce the release of a new Community Edition of Crypteron.

The Crypteron Community Edition is FREE

Based on feedback from the community, we've also eliminated all of the performance limitations, giving you blazing fast encryption on both structured and unstructured data.

Why are we doing this?

Everyone at Crypteron was tired of hearing about data breaches in the news every day. We realized that most  backend developers don't have a giant bank or retail corporation supporting them with massive cybersecurity budgets. Instead, they either incorrectly assume that cloud providers will secure their sensitive data-at-rest or try to do so themselves using built-in encryption libraries and a lot of custom code... and do it wrong, putting the entire community at risk.

We got together and decided that enterprise-grade data security shouldn't be a luxury. As a developer you shouldn't have to choose between adding new features to your backend application and making it secure. Really secure. As in automatically encrypting and signing your sensitive data, encrypting your encryption keys offsite, and having a single button you can click in the event of a data breach secure. That level of security should be available to everyone in the community regardless of budget and without requiring months of risky, custom coding.

By providing the Community Edition for free, we hope to foster secure innovation as well. Do you have a great idea for the next big medical, financial or government-related app? Great! Build it. Powered by the free Community Edition, it’s easy to protect your data against hacks and it’s easy to be in compliance with HIPAA, PCI, CJIS or several others. Dream big and don't let these fears keep you from your moon shot.

Sign Up For Free!

How can you make a difference?

Securing your apps with Crypteron is a great start. But there are dozens of other insecure apps we may use tomorrow. So don't just add Crypteron to your apps and stop - lets work together. Tell your co-workers about Crypteron, present it at your local developer meetup or even suggest it online. This is the reason we're calling it "Community" edition instead of just "Free" or "Developer" edition. With the free Community Edition, projects have no reason to ignore data security and put themselves and their customers at risk.

Share this announcement on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ and help us make the community more secure.

What about commercial usage? Any other limits?

Our community edition is designed to help get promising projects off the ground right from concept to software development to commercial launch. As such we envision the community plan being used to help projects when they need it the most - early stage product development, when time and money are scarce but security and compliance are needed. To limit the impact of the community edition on our paid customers, there are some limitations:

  1. Time limit: We think about 3 months on community edition should be sufficiently cover the needs of most projects. If you need additional time, just open a support ticket and let us know.
  2. Commercial usage: After initial development, you need a commercial license from any of our paid plans for business, commercial or production usage
  3. Light usage: We monitor platform usage for availability and responsiveness. If your community edition app is generating unusual levels of activity (e.g. 5 or more developers, heavy application loads etc), you should switch to a commercial plan.
  4. Exceptions: The real world is messy. Development schedules, teams, funding circumstances and market forces are chaotic - we understand that. So if you need more time or some special requirements, email us through support (see below) and we'll evaluate it together.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask by emailing support[at] It is a joy watching customer projects grow and become successful, so we try our best to accommodate your unique needs.

3 thoughts on “Announcing the new Crypteron Community Edition

  1. Implementing the CE version myself today. Like most, will likely end off with my suggested route to clients being the paid plans. But, this does provide in my opinion marketing agencies with no excuse when it comes to potentially jeopardizing client data. I can’t thank you guys enough in addition to the product for your support in making the internet a more robust, secure form of communication and, community.

  2. Joe Dispenza says:

    Rad!! We were trying to code a solution for this right when I found this for free – you just saved me a ton of time thank you!

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Announcing the new Crypteron Community Edition

by Yaron Guez time to read: 3 min